Ai美女壁纸 | 人生中最可怕的行为莫过于不吸取过去的教训,而一次次陷入相同的错误中而毫不在意.

发布时间:2023-04-27 01:26:49



There is nothing in the world that is absolute, even sorrow.


Everyone is the master of their own heart, knowing themselves in their own hearts.


Gentleness is useless. To survive, one must be strong.


Don't easily believe in other people's words, because the human heart is fickle.


No matter how perfect your work is, there will always be someone who finds fault. No matter how badly you do, there will always be someone who speaks up for you. So don't be influenced by others' opinions, you know your own worth the best.

6. 别让自己的价值沦为廉价儿,不要轻易地付出,也不要为了取悦别人而随波逐流。不同的人生有不同的圆点,不必勉强去适应别人的,只要做好自己,遵循内心,活出自己的精彩。

 Don't reduce your value to a bargain, don't give easily, and don't follow the crowd just to please others. Different lives have different focal points. You don't have to force yourself to adapt to others. Just be yourself, follow your heart, and live your own wonderful life.

7. 每个人都有自己扛过的伤痛,每个人都会咽下一些委屈。但是,我们需要学会站起来,擦干自己的眼泪,毅然往前走。成长的代价,就是失去过去的样子。

Everyone has their own pain to carry and their own grievances to swallow. But we need to learn to stand up, wipe away our tears, and move forward resolutely. The price of growth is to lose the past.

8. 生活中总会有让你受挫的时候,但是你一定要坚信自己,别人的口水和指责只是暂时的,而你的内在永远都是最重要的。

There will always be setbacks in life, but you must believe in yourself. Other people's criticism and blame are temporary, but your inner self is always the most important.

9. 要知道,人生无论顺境还是逆境,都是一场修行。别为了追求短暂的满足而轻易地放弃自己的信念,只有不断锤炼自己,才能成为不同凡响的人。 

You should know that life is a practice whether in good times or bad. Don't give up your beliefs easily for fleeting satisfaction. Only by constantly improving yourself can you become extraordinary.

10. 如果你总是在关注他人的评价,那么你永远也无法真正做好自己。所以,不妨给自己多一点宽容和认同,相信自己能够成为更好的人。

If you always focus on other people's evaluations, you will never truly do well for yourself. So why not give yourself more tolerance and recognition, and believe that you can become a better person.

11. 即使你感到孤独和迷茫,也要坚定地相信自己。因为只有你自己知道未来的方向,未来的路该怎么走,只有你才能引领自己走向更好的明天。 

Even if you feel lonely and confused, you must firmly believe in yourself. Because only you know the future direction and path to take, only you can lead yourself towards a better tomorrow.

12. 每个人都有自己最初的梦想,但是成功的代价是需要勇气和坚韧的。只有百折不挠地前行,才能托起梦想的翅膀,让它在高空飞翔。 

Everyone has their own initial dreams, but the cost of success requires courage and perseverance. Only by persevering can you lift the wings of your dreams and let them soar high in the sky.

13. 不要让他人的看法影响你对自己的认知,不要因为一时的挫败而心态崩溃。相信自己,相信自己所做的一切,过程虽然艰难,但结果是值得的。 

Don't let other people's opinions affect your perception of yourself, and don't let your mindset collapse due to temporary setbacks. Believe in yourself, believe in everything you do. Although the process may be difficult, the result is worth it.

14. 在人世间,没有绝对的公正,也没有完美的人生。但只要你愿意付出,别人的指责和嘲笑,都只是过眼云烟。用坚定的心态和不断的努力,开创属于你自己的人生新篇章。 

In the world, there is no absolute justice, and there is no perfect life. But as long as you are willing to work hard, other people's criticisms and ridicule are just passing clouds. With a firm mindset and continuous effort, you can create a new chapter in your own life.


Don't sacrifice your principles to please others. Only you know your own needs the best.



1. 小伙伴,你为什么要一个人走?和我在一起吧,我们一起走过每一个路口。

2. 你知道我为什么喜欢你吗?因为你是我的阳光,让我一天天都充满了能量。

3. 爱上你是我人生最正确的选择,因为在你身边,我能感受到最真挚的情感与幸福。

4. 我知道一生是多么的短暂,但是在你身边的每一刻,我觉得时间可以慢慢地流淌,直到我们的爱绽放为永恒。

5. 我喜欢你,竟然是因为你的坚强,没有不敢面对的困难,每一次都能克服难关。

6. 你是我的唯一,永远是我的最爱,虽然生活不总是像我们想象中的那样美好,但是在你的怀中,我感到无与伦比的幸福。

7. 花开宛若你温柔的笑容,阳光斜照时记得再给我一个拥抱,我会感到更加幸福和快乐。

8. 我愿意为你守护这个世界,因为你让我相信这个世界是可以真心相爱的。

9. 在我最喜欢的季节里,你是我最喜欢的存在,即使时光已经悄然流逝,但是我们的爱依然能够永远长存。

10. 小天使,你的陪伴是我最美好的时光,让我无忧无虑,感受到了最真挚的情感。


Ai美女壁纸 | 这就是人性,它的丑陋面,常常在利益面前暴露无遗。


Ai美女壁纸 | 如果你感到世界冷漠无情,那么请试着成为一束阳光,为身边的每个人带来温暖。

Ai美女壁纸 | 人生最大的愚蠢莫过于一直重复着自己的错误,而对此视而不见

Ai美女壁纸 | 如果你以为生活不公,那么请试着让自己成为一盏灯塔,照亮周围的所有人。
